Welcome to Record Madness – Your Ultimate Destination for Vinyl Enthusiasts!

Are you passionate about the warm, clear sound of vinyl? Do you revel in the thrill of discovering that rare, coveted record to add to your collection? If you’re nodding your head in agreement, then you’ve just stumbled upon your new analog haven.

Record Madness is more than just a website; it’s a vibrant community of vinyl aficionados who live and breathe the vinyl lifestyle. Here, we celebrate the art of collecting vinyl records, where each album tells a unique story and every groove hides a treasure waiting to be unearthed.

Join us as we embark on an auditory adventure, where you can:

  1. Grade Your Records: Whether you’re a seasoned collector or just starting your vinyl journey, we’ll guide you on how to appraise and preserve your beloved vinyl gems. Learn the ins and outs of vinyl grading and ensure your records are in pristine condition. Or you can send your records to us and have them properly graded based on the Goldmine Record Grading system.
  2. Discover Reviews: Dive into our in-depth reviews of classic, contemporary, and obscure vinyl records. Our passionate team of audiophiles will take you on a musical tour, providing insights and recommendations to expand your collection.
  3. Explore the Vinyl Lifestyle: Immerse yourself in the vinyl lifestyle like never before. From turntables to cover art, from album art to album-spinning rituals, we explore every facet of this analog world that captivates our senses.

At Record Madness, we’re not just about records; we’re about a shared passion, a reverence for analog excellence, and a desire to connect with fellow vinyl enthusiasts. So, whether you’re here to deepen your knowledge, discover new music, or simply indulge in the joy of vinyl, welcome to the madness – Record Madness!